Here is an important part of the speech by
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
which he held on Saturday, August 29 during the mega demonstration in Berlin. I wrote down that portion of his talk to share worldwide. This is a historic speech. In a hundred years this will still be in human memory.
Speech by Robert F Kennedy
We are at a
breaking point in human history. The greatest and most critical breaking point
humanity has ever encountered. For years authoritarian states have used the
power of fear to force the population to obey.
I grew up
understanding what happened in our country during World War II. During the
Nuernberg trials, Herman Goering was asked by the prosecutor: "How did you
make the German people obey?" And Goering said, "It's not just
Germany." This works in any country, be it fascist, communist, monarchy,
or democracy. All the rulers have to do is tell mankind that there is something
they should fear. Point a finger at that source of their fear and you can make
people do whatever you want. You can lead them to the slaughter like sheep. You
can make them obey.
We were
very lucky in our country to have a leader, Franklin Roosevelt, who said,
"All we have to fear is fear itself." He understood that fear would
drive us to totalitarianism. People like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and
DAVOS, and all those people who run the global economy now understood for years
that they have a power that no totalitarian government has ever had at their
disposal, biosecurity.
could point to the Jews and say that they were the great threat, we must be
afraid of them and everyone must obey so that we can fight them all. Other
countries feared the Bolsheviks. In the US, our demagogues point to
dark-skinned people and say we should fear them. Or terrorists. As a result, we
voluntarily renounce our human rights, our civil rights, and walk like sheep to
the slaughterhouse.
We were
very lucky in our country to have a leader, Franklin Roosevelt, who said,
"All we have to fear is fear itself." He understood that fear would
drive us to totalitarianism. People like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and
DAVOS, and all those people who run the global economy now understood for years
that they have a power that no totalitarian government has ever had at their
disposal, biosecurity.
could point to the Jews and say that they were the great threat, we must be
afraid of them and everyone must obey so that we can fight them all. Other
countries feared the Bolsheviks. In the US, our demagogues point to
dark-skinned people and say we should fear them. Or terrorists. As a result, we
voluntarily renounce our human rights, our civil rights, and walk like sheep to
the slaughterhouse.
digital innovation is digital currency. Once our currency is digitized and the
money economy is gone, they have absolute control over us. They will be able to
enforce obedience. Away if you disobey, they can close your bank account and
starve you. You do not have access to cash. When you create these control mechanisms.
They become weapons of obedience, for authoritarian regimes. Once you create
them, they will be abused. 100% guarantee that they will be misused. My father
told me when I was a child, "People in positions of authority lie."
If we want to continue living in a democracy, we must understand that people
lie with authority. Authoritative people will abuse any power we give them.
Right now,
we give them the power to control every part of our life, 24 hours a day. They
know where we are, they know how much money we spend, they have access to our
children, they have the right to force us into unwanted medical procedures. We
know that the Nazis in World War II tested vaccines on Gypsies and Jews. And
the world was so shocked after the war that we signed the Nuremberg Charter. We
would never again impose unwanted medical interventions on people without
informed consent. All that conviction has suddenly disappeared. People walk
around in masks, while science hasn't explained anything to them. They do what
they are told. These government agencies orchestrate obedience and it is not
democratic. It is the product of a pharmaceutically driven biosecurity agenda
that will enslave all of humanity and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare
where the forces of ignorance and greed will lead our lives and ruin our
children and all the dreams and dignity we hope to give. to destroy our
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